Staying Debt Free...
Below are our articles on the subject of Staying Debt Free. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Become a Money Management Expert
Using money management skills is a way to take financial responsibility for income and expenditure, and these skills can make a difference to clearing debts quickly....

Budgeting your Money
Budgeting your money can be the first step to taking control of your expenses even if you are in debt....

Everyone Has Debts, Why Shouldn't I?
Peer pressure has now been named as one of the reasons young people take on debt, but these debts can linger on for years long after the friends have moved on....

High Interest Debts to Avoid
High interest debts to avoid will include many high street lenders and major high street stores that offer high interest credit cards....

How to Kick Your Overspending Habit
Spending more than is earned is a major problem for many people especially those with credit cards, and constant overspending can lead to very serious debt problems in…...

Priority Debt Management
A priority debt management plan is a way of ensuring that priority debts such as mortgages and council tax are paid before your secondary creditors....

Recognising Debts You Can and Can't Afford
Assessing debts you can and can’t afford should be long term forecast that will include a financial budget and the ability to recognise good debts from bad debts....

Remaining Debt Free for Ever
Becoming debt free will no doubt have taken hard work but the biggest challenge may now be beginning again and learning how to stay debt free....

Saving and Investing to Avoid Debt
There are numerous saving and investing options available to anyone with a little surplus cash every month, but the return on your money may be determined by how…...

Spotting and Avoiding Bad Debt
Spotting and avoiding bad debt will save a lot of money and stress in the future, and there are a number of bad debt options that should be avoided....

Surviving a Drop in Income Without Using Debt
Surviving a drop in income without using credit means looking at ways to economise and increase income and avoiding the temptation of quick fix credit options....

Teaching Children to Manage Money
Many children leave school with virtually no money management skills whatsoever and parents should recognise the importance of teaching children this life long skill…...

Ten Tips to Stay Debt Free This Year
Becoming debt free is a major achievement and will not happen overnight but using these ten tips should help to clear debts as quickly as possible....

The Consumer Credit Act
Knowing your consumer rights is the best way an individual can protect themselves against unfair credit practices, and the Consumer Credit Act was brought in to give…...

The Importance of Creating an Emergency Savings Fund
If financial hard times occur it is always a better option to have an emergency savings fund than to waste money in interest fees when using credit cards or loans....